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Personnel Size Labels

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There are many types of personnel information which can be tracked using FP2.  Along with contact information and medical information, you can also track uniform sizing under the 'Personal' tab in each members personnel records. Personnel --> Personal --> Sizes.


Recently there have been a few changes to this field to accommodate requests that have come from our customers.  You now have the ability to add items that are specific to your department and a size category field has been added as section headers for the report..


Probably the largest change is the location.  Parameters for this field were in the Set Up Menu and have now been moved to the Maintenance-->Personnel Size Labels menu option.



.  Click on the Size Label menu option and the following screen will appear:




You can add or remove items from the list using the add button or the delete button on the right side of the screen.


The Size Category is an editable list.  Simple click on the Edit List Button () to add the applicable sizing categories to the list.  You will know exactly what the requirements for your department are.  I've been told that bunker gear and uniform are commonly used fields.  Until these categories have been customized, Default will show as the category in the Personnel Module.



Please note that the Order field designates which order the items will appear on the list.  We recommend you use a numbering system which will allow you to input additional items without having to re-order the entire list.  As you can see in the example, it has been set up in increments of 10 which allows plenty of room for expansion.


Changes in this field will not be visible until you have closed and reopened the window.


Now that you have customized this field for your department, these are the choices which will appear on the Record Window in the Personnel Module.


To input sizes for a member, select the Personnel Module and and choose the name of the member from the List Window.  Select the Personal Tab and the Sizes tab from the Record Window. Personnel --> Personal --> Sizes. See the example below:





Simply select the item you wish to enter sizes for ('Size Name') by clicking on the field and enter the size or measurement in the box labeled 'Size'.


This field simply allows you to record sizing.  Assigning Personal Protective Equipment is done through the Inventory Module.