This tip concentrates on the 'Linked to Personnel' Linking Type. You may choose this in the Inventory Information window and from the drop-down list just above the tabs (see Figure 1)
Figure 1
Linking to personnel allows you to link this inventory item to specific personnel records. Any equipment which has been assigned or issued to a particular person should have this option turned on.
We will add a new piece of inventory, let’s say a pager, to the system. For the purpose of this exercise, we will choose the linking type Linked to Personnel.
1. | Below the Linking Type drop-down menu, you will see there are several sub-tabs (see Figure 2): |
Figure 2
Most of the tabs are common to all types, but the one that is specific to 'Linked to Personnel' is the Assigned To tab.
2. | This tab is a list of personnel this piece of equipment has been assigned to over the years, including the assigned date, and shows you its chronological history. If you want to link this piece of equipment to a personnel member, click the Add to List button () and it will open the Personnel List window (see Figure 3): |
Figure 3
In this list, you may select (by double-clicking on the name) the personnel member you wish to assign this pager to. The name will appear in the Assigned To list in the Inventory Information window (See Figure 4).
Figure 4
If you later assign the pager to another member, this list will show the assigned item’s history.
3. | After this assignment has been made, we can also see it from the Personnel window. If you open the Personnel's record, and click on the Employment tab, it will reveal sub-tabs. The inventory Assigned tab is the place where we will see this pager (see Figure 5): |
Figure 5
In this window, you can also manage the assignments of inventory items to this personnel member. This is a convenient way to add several inventory items to this member at once.
To assign inventory items to a personnel member, click the Add button () in this tab and select an inventory item (ie: Pager 2 or 'PAG 2') from the window as seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6
Note that only inventory items that are marked with link type "Linked to Personnel" will show in this list. Selecting 'PAG 2' will assign that pager to this personnel member.
4. | There are a couple of reports that produce helpful summaries of the linking of equipment to personnel. One report is accessed from the Inventory list window, by clicking on the Print Details button (), and is called, "Inventory Assigned to Personnel.” |
If we look at the Personnel list and click on the Print Details button (), there are two reports available that show this information. You can find these reports through these methods:
Other Details --> Inventory Assigned Detail, which looks like this (see Figure 7):
Figure 7
Other Details --> Inventory Assigned Summary, which looks like this (see Figure 8):
Figure 8
FP2 Cool Tip: You can easily see which personnel member has a specific item on all your reports just by adding in the member’s name (or employee number) to the Code text field (see Figure 9). The member’s name will now appear in the Code description of your inventory reports (see Figure 10), |
Remember that you can rename this field by changing it in the Custom Settings under the Inventory tab. There, you will see the Code label textbox for you to enter any name you wish, provided it’s short enough to fit into the space for it (refer to Figure 9).
Figure 9
Figure 10