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Email Detail Payroll Record to Personnel

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FP2 now offers the ability to email individual payroll reports directly to department Personnel.


The first step is to ensure an email is attached to each Personnel record you want to email a Payroll record to.


If your department has not already done to use this Email Compensation feature switch to using the Mailgun SMTP.

Steps on how to switched are found at this link Setting up MailGun SMTP (Cloud Email Service)


Sending and Customizing Email

After creating payroll, go to the Compensation list window and click the printer icon.

Click on Email Details


A screen with the Personal included on the Payroll and have emails attached to their Personnel record will appear.

Select the Personnel you want to email the records to (CNTL+Select Personnel) then hit send.

You are able to personalize the subject and body of the email you are sending.

This screen will also contains the Status column, this will show you if an email was sent to the Personnel selected.


Department Personnel will receive an email from ADMIN with their personal payroll details.