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Guidelines List Window

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The Operational Guidelines List Window is a List Window that displays the department's OGs. Double clicking an item in the list will open the Guidelines Record Window. To add a new guideline, select the 'Add' button.


Search Parameters



Select the 'Section' you wish to display.



This open text field searches using a 'Contains' search algorithm to make searching easier.



Allows searching of the Policy type.



Drop-list that allows for searching of OGs that are, Active Only, Inactive Only, or All Records.


'Last Revised Out of Date' checkbox:

This option allows the user to to view the OGs that were last revised before the date entered.


'Reviewed out of date' checkbox:

This checkbox is used to search OGs that have not been reviewed, or that have a Last Reviewed date that is older than the Last Revised Date.

Select a custom date with the Last Revised checkbox (above) to refine the search, conversely if that checkbox is not flagged this option will search all dates.  The list of OGs will display either in its entirety or by what OGs have been edited between the selected dates.


List Action Options


'Export OG':

The export function can be found in the action menu () of the list window.  This function allows a department to export the OG's.


The Operational Guidelines import function is found in the Maintenance menu--> Import Data Import OGs.


'Adjust Tab Titles':

Selecting this option will open a window that lets you change the custom table titles for many records at once. If an OG record shows a tab title as blank in the list on this window, that means it is using the default title and has no custom title entered.


'Print OG to PDF':

This will prompt the user to select a folder to save the PDF files to, and then create a separate PDF report for each OG in the list.


'Send/Signoff Many OG':



Operational Guideline Reports


For a list of the available reports for this module.



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Operational Guidelines Module